Feel-good update: Another signer!
Since we launched the Down Ballot Pledge, Senator Elizabeth Warren has added her name to it — we hope to see few more folks…
Since we launched the presidential Down Ballot Pledge, Senator Elizabeth Warren has added her name to it — we hope to see few more folks to sign on this week. If your favorite candidate hasn’t publicly said they’ll sign on, ask them why (and how they expect to get their preferred policy positions passed if they don’t have governing partners across state & federal office…)

In other down-ballot news:
I’ll repeat this every single week: If we don’t win key state legislatures in 2019 & 2020, functional governing is essentially over. NBC News reporting agrees.
Alert: During their annual meeting next week, ALEC is hosting workshops for GOP state legislators on redistricting — “Republicans have indicated that they fully intend to continue gerrymandering the next time the district lines are drawn in 2021.”
Gov. Sununu of NH vetoed bipartisan legislation that would have created an independent redistricting commission. He’s a partisan hack.
Some candidate & alumni updates:
Qasim Rahid is running to flip a VA state senate seat that was last held by a Democrat more than 40 years ago. It’s a long shot, but if anyone can do it, he can.
Del. Danica Roem is running for re-election against yet another anti-LGBTQ bigot who called marriage equality “morally repugnant” and comparable to slavery.
Denver City Councilmember Candi C’deBaca led & won the fight to end for-profit prison companies’ contracts with the city of Denver, costing them upwards of $10.6 million.
Rep. Andrea Romero in NM explains why she led the charge on creating a task force to address the crisis is missing & murdered indigenous women.
Alum Rep. Erin Zwiener is demanding the Texas state legislature hold a special session to take on legislation to reduce gun violence. Horrific fact: last session, House Democrats filed 48 bills related to gun control; not a single one passed. Reminder we only need to flip 9 seats to win the TX state house.
In Kentucky, Rep. Josie Raymond is making progress in her fight to bring state-wide universal pre-k to fruition. This is so cool!
Finally, two events to put on your radar: This Friday, August 16th, we’re joining Texas Democrats and our very own Judge Lina Hidalgo for an event in Houston about women in politics. Next Saturday, August 24th, two amazing RFS candidates will join us in the Hamptons for a lovely evening.
Thank you for making all this possible. We’re gearing up for a big fall and it wouldn’t be possible without you.