Feel-good update: “How state races starting this fall will shape Congress for the next decade”
It’s autumnal-ish outside, there are 57 days until the 2019 general elections, and we’ve got so much to update you on! Let’s go!
It’s autumnal-ish outside, there are 57 days until the 2019 general elections, and we’ve got so much to update you on! Let’s go!
First, ICYMI: Last week, a North Carolina court struck down state legislative maps due to illegal gerrymandering. This is HUGE. North Carolina is a key target for the Grassroots Redistricting Project; we’ll be working hard to recruit a full slate of candidates there ahead of 2020.
Speaking of, let’s talk about state legislatures…
- TIME did a great deep-dive into our partner, the DLCC. The headline says it all: How state races starting this fall will shape Congress for the next decade.
- I’m not the only one yelling from the mountaintops that state legislatures are a five-alarm fire. So is Karl Rove, who wrote an op-ed in the WSJ explaining how state legislative races in 16 states could determine House control for the next decade.
- He’s probably doing that because Republicans are terrified — they’re concerned about what might happen in Virginia this fall, and what else could go wrong.
I’ll say it again: State & local elections aren’t going to be in the headlines or on TV like the presidential race is. But we have to win them — either to give a Democratic president governing partners & or to be the first line of defense against a Republican administration. These elections are critical, and yet they’re under-funded, and under-resourced. (They’re also relatively cheap compared to the potential impact: The average state legislative race in a targeted chamber costs around $275k.) We’re doing everything we can to recruit amazing candidates for these races and give them all they need to succeed. Your help matters.
Moving on to candidate & alumni updates….
- On Tuesday, Cinda Danh became the first Asian American woman to make the final ballot for Lynn City Council in Massachusetts. The video of her entering her victory party will make you emotional.
- Judge Lina Hidalgo in TX is one step closer to drastically overhauling the bail system in Harris County that was holding poor people in custody simply because they couldn’t pay in cash.
- Rep. Josie Raymond in Kentucky is leading efforts to get free pre-school for all. The first step: A task-force to determine how to pay for it. She’s going about this the right way.
- PA Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta has an op-ed on his efforts to bring more mental health resources to PA schools. It will literally save lives.
- You have to read this gorgeous note PA state Rep. Jenn O’Mara sent to our supporters last week. Then look at this tiny twitter thread on how she’s continuing the mission of RFS in her own community. We say it all the time: Our candidates & alum are the best recruiters we’ve got.

- Heads up: There are elections in North Carolina (and Massachusetts, and Ohio) tomorrow. We have 7 folks running in primaries.
- On our Medium, we spotlit Caitlin Clarkson Pereira, who ran from CT state house in 2018. While she came up short, she’s been continuing her fight to get the state to allow candidates to use campaign funds for childcare.
Tangentially related: Politico has a think-piece on America’s gerontocracy. Our government will function better if more young people have a say in how it works. (This is one of many reasons why we only work with young people.)
Finally, a heads up on some travel & events: Tomorrow night we’ll be in Hollywood for a really fun event, come say hi! (I’ll be in LA with time for coffee if you want to meet up.) Next week, both Ross and I will be in San Francisco and would love to catch up if you’re in town.
Thank you for making all this possible. We’re so grateful for you.