Feel-good update: The poll we can't shut up about
According to AP, 79% of Americans ages 15–34 say leaders from their generation would do a better job running the country.
First: A poll we can’t stop talking about. According to AP, 79% of Americans ages 15–34 say leaders from their generation would do a better job running the country. Vice dug in on the poll and the broader challenges young candidates face — including the mountain of student debt holding candidates (and the rest of us!) back. This write-up is 100% worth your time.
Also worth reading: The New York Times has a great overview of many of the incredible LGBTQIA candidates running for office this year. We’re proud to be working with more than 60 LGBTQ candidates — and expect that number to grow as we get closer to Election Day.
Need something to watch? At Netroots in New Orleans, we joined NextGen and Stay Woke for a fun discussion on why young people are the future of our democracy.
We also had a fantastic lunch with CrowdPac and Mayor Bill DiBlasio, focused on why we should all be fired up about local elections in 2019.
And want a taste of our efforts? We do a whole lot of trainings for our candidates on issues — both policy-driven and tactical — that might come up during their campaigns. One example: Later this week, our candidates will be joined by chef Tom Colicchio and activist/filmmaker Lori Silverbush for a briefing on hunger and food policy.
A few fun candidates-in-the-news highlights:
— President Barack Obama endorsed four amazing Run for Something candidates: Rochelle Galindo in CO, Matthew Wilson in GA, Sydney Batch in NC, and Taylor Sappington in OH.

— Run for Something candidate Myya Jones in Michigan goes deep on the challenges young women of color face when running for office. That’s not stopping people from trying though: Take a look at Ozy’s deep-dive on the broader network of people of color running for office.
- In Pennsylvania, millennials are taking over: “Basically what I tell people is, you could call me a millennial, you can call me a progressive, you could call me a freakin’ hipster. I’m just here to solve problems … That’s what I want to do.”
- Our Connecticut candidates, including super-mom and CT House candidate Caitlin Clarkson Pereira, are navigating sticky terrain as they determine whether or nor they can use campaign funds for childcare.
- Not in the news but we loved this tweet from Hadiya Afzal, one of our candidates running for Dupage County Board in Illinois.
Thanks for making all this possible. We’ve got candidates on the ballot tomorrow and we’re glad we’re able to stand with them.
Catch up with last week’s update…
Feel-good update: Meet some stars!
Hope your week is off to a good start. Last week's news cycle was typically depressing, so let me brighten your day…medium.com