Feel-good update: Two new winners (plus: Elizabeth Warren joins the fun)
A fun lil’ update for you this week.
A fun lil’ update for you this week.
Over the weekend, three of our candidates were on the ballot in Texas — and TWO of them won! Congratulations to Dan Cogan, a new city councillor in Bedford, and Salman Bhojani, a new city councillor in Euless. Salman in particular beat a Tea Party Republican by 37 votes, in a contentious race where a sitting state legislator (who funded his opponent) attacked him for being Muslim. We’re so excited for Dan and Salman.
Tomorrow, we have a whole bunch of candidates on the ballot across the country. You can make calls right now for a few of the folks up this month.
As an aside, you can always join us as a volunteer doing candidate screening. It will make you feel so good.

If you need some additional inspiration, read this great profile of Ashwani Jain, one of our candidates in Maryland. He’s exactly the kind of candidate we’re so proud to be working with.
(You can also read about the record number of Native American women running for office, a story that should make your heart burst.)
One thing we’ve been thinking about this week: How hard it will be for us to ever go back to a time when it was acceptable to leave 40% of state legislative races uncontested, or to only field slates of rich old white dudes. Check out the recruitment success in states like Alabama, Arizona, Colorado, Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Utah. We’re so proud to be part of the massive cultural shift toward fielding full slates of diverse candidates.
And finally, in case you missed it: Senator Elizabeth Warren is joining Senators Kirsten Gillibrand and Cory Booker at Party for Something on June 6th in D.C. Get your tickets now.

Thanks for making all this possible. We’re so grateful to you!
Miss last week’s update? Catch up.
Feel-good update: 60 new candidates to know & love!
Last week, we endorsed 60 new candidates — bringing our grand total up to 369 amazing young progressives running for…medium.com