Feel-good update: What happens after the march
You were inspired. Now you can take the next step.
This weekend’s march was incredible — watching young people across the country stand up and lead inspired the hell out of us. We’re continuing our role in reducing gun violence by recruiting candidates in Florida to run against NRA-backed incumbents. The next step will be our first ever college tour. We’re partnering with NextGen America for an event at the University of Central Florida in Orlando on Tuesday.
Also on the topic: Samir Paul, a science teacher and candidate for Maryland House of Delegates wrote a wonderful op-ed in Maryland Matters about what we can do to listen to the kids and reduce gun violence. Check it out.
Take some time and read this week’s Nation cover story, from Joan Walsh: The 7,383-Seat Strategy. A hint at what you’ll be diving into: “Taking inspiration from Virginia, Democrats are finally running to win in the states. But will the party make room for a different kind of candidate?”
You should also look at this, from the Washington Post: Democrats are contesting more state legislative seats than in any election since 1982. This is our movement come to live.

More about our candidates!!
In Illinois last week, we had a handful of candidates up in competitive primaries (and a few more who were unopposed.) We’re particularly excited for Daniel Didech, who won his primary for IL House, and for Zahra Suratwala and Ashley Selmon, who won their primaries and are moving on to the general election for DuPage County Board. As an aside, read this badass Q&A with Zahra in Reappropriate, kicking off a partnership with the blog as they cover our Asian American candidates and inspire more folks like them to run, too.
Also cool: Ashanti Martinez, one of our candidates for Maryland House of Delegates, was named a Young Futurist by The Root:
In a national moment when young people are standing up and speaking out, Ashanti encourages other people in his generation to be the change they want to see.
“My message is clear: Run for something,” he told The Root. “Your voice is needed.”
A snapshot from one of our volunteers. (This just made us happy.)
In some internal news…
Save the date! June 6th in D.C., we’re hosting what we’re affectionately calling Party for Something — a big party and celebration of what we’ve done, and a kick-off for the work to come. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand will be our keynote speaker. If you’re interested in sponsoring a table at the event, please reach out.
We’re hiring: We’re looking for a director of product and technology. Check out the job description and please pass it along.
Thanks for doing what you do to make this all possible. We’re so lucky to have you on this team.
Miss last week’s update? Catch up!
Feel good update: PA, Austin, and an inspiring essay
Happy Monday! Remember how Conor Lamb won in Pennsylvania last week? (That really was just last week. Time is so weird…medium.com