“I just want to DO something.”
A list of organizations where you can do more than just donate — you can show up and act.
Run for Something’s mission is helping people run for office as way to fight back. Rebuilding is part of the resistance.
But running for office is a long game. To be quite honest, it simply takes a lot of time —with just a few exceptions, the soonest elections aren’t until November 2017. There aren’t quick wins or shortcuts.
But we know you want to do something right freaking now, and while donating is critical, not everyone can afford to empty our wallets to every single cause.
So we pulled together a list of organizations where you can do more than just contribute — there’s an event or an action you can show up at. Talk the talk AND walk the walk.
We’ve sorted these by issue, sort-of alphabetically. Are we missing something? Most definitely. For example, this list doesn’t include the most current protests (which you can find here: occupyairports.com).
Tweet at us @runforsomething and let us know if you’ve got a high-impact volunteer opportunity people can plug into.
Many ACLU local chapters have in-person events you can help at — find yours: http://www.aclu.org
Next Gen Climate does political work for candidates who are advocates for fighting. climate change. Sign up: https://nextgenclimate.org/volunteer/
The Sierra Club has chapters across the country: http://www.sierraclub.org/
Volunteer with Greenpeace, which does fierce advocacy for their causes: https://greenwire.greenpeace.org/usa/en
The Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance will help you advocate for protecting the nation’s public lands by scheduling an in district meeting: http://action.suwa.org/site/PageServer?pagename=StateActivistNetworkPage
There’s a network of local coalitions who work to combat domestic violence and support victims. Find the one in your state and get involved: Volunteer with your local coalition against domestic violence: http://ncadv.org/stay-connected/state-coalitions
RAINN can connect you with local opportunities to help victims of sexual assault: https://www.rainn.org/articles/volunteer-national-sexual-assault-hotline
Join your local OFA chapter: http://ofa.us/
Volunteer with Our Revolution: https://ourrevolution.com/action/
Sign up for a daily action from Flippable — they’ll tell you where to direct your money or your time: flippable.org
Swing Left will help direct your attention towards Congressional swing districts: http://www.swingleft.org
The Sister District Project will connect you with a local team to support a strategic down-ballot race in 2017: http://www.sisterdistrict.com
Find your state party website and get involved: http://asdc.democrats.org/state-parties/
Confirm your voter registration. (This one should be easy.) https://www.vote.org/
Organize a voter registration drive — check out this guide from Rock the Vote for more: https://www.rockthevote.com/assets/publications/field/voter-registration-how-to.pdf
Find an event with Everytown for Gun Safety: http://act.everytown.org/event/moms-demand-action-event/search/
If you live in Chicago, NY, or Harlingen, TX., Houston, or D.C. — become a child advocate with the Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights: http://theyoungcenter.org/act/volunteer/
Support your local chapter of United We Dream: http://unitedwedream.org/
Volunteer with America’s Voice: http://americasvoice.org/takeaction/
In Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Nevada, and Texas — volunteer with Mi Familia Vota: http://mfv.volunteerhub.com/events/index
Get involved fighting for the rights of immigrants in detention: http://www.detentionwatchnetwork.org/take-action/organize
Families for Freedom helps families affected by criminalization and deportation: http://familiesforfreedom.org/organizing
Help end the isolation of men and women in isolation in detention centers: http://www.endisolation.org/get-involved/become-a-volunteer/
Bend the Arc does organizing around a multitude of issuses: http://www.bendthearc.us/solutions
Take action with the National Center for Transgender Equality: http://www.transequality.org/action-centers
Get involved with Lambda Legal: http://www.lambdalegal.org/resistance
Volunteer with the Trevor Project: http://www.thetrevorproject.org/pages/volunteer
Get involved with Indivisible, dedicated to lobbying Congress: https://www.indivisibleguide.com/
Get one daily action in your inbox: https://dailyaction.org/
Get five calls a day to make: https://5calls.org/
Local non-profits post volunteer opportunities online — find out what’s going on in your city: http://www.volunteermatch.org/
Volunteer with the Boys & Girls Club of America: http://greatfutures.org/
Become a local food bank volunteer: http://www.feedingamerica.org/take-action/volunteer/
Volunteer with your local YWCA: http://www.ywca.org/site/c.cuIRJ7NTKrLaG/b.7527667/k.C931/Local_Associations/apps/kb/cs/contactsearch.asp
Help do education with Muslim Advocates: https://www.muslimadvocates.org/
Find your local chapter of the Council on American-Islam Relations: https://www.cair.com/cair-chapters.html
Get involved with the Native American Rights Fund: http://www.narf.org/
There are lots of ways to help with Obamacare enrollment through Enroll America & Get Covered America: https://www.enrollamerica.org/
Sign up to be a Campaign Zero advocate and help end police violence: https://www.joincampaignzero.org/
Get involved with Black Lives Matter: http://blacklivesmatter.com/getinvolved/
Join your local NAACP chapter: http://www.naacp.org/
Join the Organization for Black Struggle: http://obs-stl.org/support-obs/join
Find your local chapter of the Black Youth Project 100: http://byp100.org/membership/
Volunteer with the Black Women’s Blueprint: http://www.blackwomensblueprint.org/careers.html
Stand Up for Racial Justice has chapters across the country: http://www.showingupforracialjustice.org/affiliated_groups_local_contacts
Volunteer with Planned Parenthood: https://plannedparenthoodrccorpvolunteer.peoplefluent.com/index.html
Volunteer with NARAL Pro-choice America: http://actnow.prochoiceamerica.org/signup/volunteer/?source=webnav#.WI1XMIgrLnA
Join the Center for Reproductive Rights: https://www.reproductiverights.org/take-action
Volunteer to help refugees in the U.S. with HIAS: http://www.hias.org/volunteer
The International Rescue Committee is looking for volunteers: https://www.rescue.org/volunteer
Help wartime allies re-settle in the U.S. with No One Left Behind: https://web.charityengine.net/default.aspx?tsid=4104
Help the Asylum Seeker Advocacy Project: https://asap.urbanjustice.org/Volunteer
And if you want to run for office, we’re here to help. Sign up at runforsomething.net.
If you believe in our mission — or want to help our candidates — just sign up at runforsomething.net. Running for office and winning elections isn’t a quick win. It’s an investment. Be a part of this fight.