Thank you! I need all the optimism I can get today. We are in this together.

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State and local elections matter more than ever now, so thank you for supporting our next generation of candidates.

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I appreciate this. My research is in how we can improve society. I haven't been able to watch the news or read political articles for months. I just couldn't wrap my head around the mindsets of the people in this country. (Let's be honest, if it weren't for the voters, we wouldn't be in this position.) My 13 y/o is intrigued by my research and all the things I talk about. He used to sit in on my classes for years and read the same textbooks my students would read. Seeing him and my daughters this morning smiling and willing to get work done on a snow day gives me hope. I focus on the outside so much, but maybe I'll focus on my children. They are out future.

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Thank you, thank you, thank you for taking the time to write this. This morning at 4am when I saw the outcome and felt fear & doom overcome my entire being, I felt hopeless. But then I remembered how I felt in 2016.. that was my shock and awe moment. I never saw that coming & truthfully it almost killed me, I used a lot of unhealthy self medicating behaviors to get though that. Now here we are in 2024 and the unthinkable has happened yet again, only this time I am sober & have been in recovery for 6 years as of the 28th of this month, which one day at a time I will make it too. I then began to look at it from that perspective, of tolerance & patience & that dreaded word acceptance. Today & in the days, weeks & months to come, I/we will need to lean hard into our faith in whatever higher power we have a connection to in our life & in like minded friends, family & even strangers & together we will "trudge" the road of happy destiny. And if there is one thing I know for sure, change is inevitable, this situation is not forever no matter how far off that change day may seem. It will come & we will be there to greet it with open arms!

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You are awesome!!!

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I appreciate your encouragement, but why does everyone keep saying "four more years"? It's like we heard nothing over the last nine years. We have work to do, but I'm not sure too many people understand what that work is or how it will change them and this country. I wish the best for us and hope that we have the will for the fight.

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Thank you Amanda. Today it is hard to face the fact that we have to go back to work again. But it will soon be clear that we must. And we’ll rely on people like you to rally us, give direction, and gather and focus resource.

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Your work is central to our continuation of democracy. I’m keeping my monthly donation to RFS to build the bench of great new candidates. Congratulations to all who ran, win or lose, and thrilled for the newly elected. This is exptremely positive news. Enjoy time with the baby and recover your strength. Not going anywhere!

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Thank you for the work and for this. Onward.

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Thank you, and yes it’s the young people engaged and being elected that will move us forward! Together we will keep going.

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Thanks Amanda. Congratulations on the birth of your baby! Please keep sharing the RFS new election successes - it is very heartening in this despairing time.

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Thank you Amanda for sharing the rays of hope. I needed those today

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Thank you for this and for all that you do! 💙

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I can’t keep doing this. We expended the price of a house, I wrote 4000+ postcards and letters to voters in 6 months, canvassed every day in gotv and the two weekends before. I did 15 hours on the pills yesterday and I saw how every type of person felt perfectly comfortable voting for the appalling. I literally did all I could do and yet Americans decided to break America and it won’t be just for 4 years. I gave it my all and yet America has consigned us all to climate death in the fairly near future. This is too much. It’s just too much.

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Marie you are heroic! Even though we lost, you did not fail. You planted seeds and did the work that has not yet borne fruit, but it will. Take time and replenish yourself, stay here with us. You are valued. Not giving up on Democracy!

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Thank you Marie for doing everything in your power to have elected Kamala & saved democracy. Your work def made the situation much much better than it would have been. Pls don’t be discouraged as we all need to keep on fighting the battle against Trump’s tyranny.

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Polls not pills

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thanks for all the work you did, that's amazing

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OMG, are you kidding me!!!! Still more total denial after what just happened?

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What do you mean? Today is not a day for exclamation marks and rage 😤

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