Ross thank you for all you’ve done to help make RFS into one of the most vital orgs on the progressive left! We see what you guys have done (and are doing) and we are so grateful for your service. Best of luck in your next endeavor.

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Thank you Ross. I've been a supporter since the first year. I was already aware the Democratic party had allowed the weeds to grow and strangle the party over a few decades, while the Republican party spent the same period developing, cultivating and then mechanizing and expanding, a vast and deep "Field of (nightmare) Dreams".

I recognized the value of what you and Amanda were starting, and am so very, very grateful for the two of you. Grateful for the vision, the courage, the determination and resilience, the ability to adapt, plan and execute, to get this organization through tough times, and put it in the position it's in today.

I'm absolutely convinced that absent RFS, this country would eventually have been lost. Democracy isn't a spectator sport, and unfortunately, the Democratic party and its voters became complacent, insulated, maybe a bit too willing to sit on the side, hoping someone else would do their work for them.

RFS will eventually be recognized, as a - if not THE - key organization in the resurrection of sane functional progressive government at all levels in this country.

Great job, Ross and Amanda. Thank you both, from the bottom of many hearts.

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May your future endeavors have the same impact as what you have helped to create with RFS! Thank you. You are the best hope this country has for the future.

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Ross, I can’t say thank you enough for all you have done to make RFS one of the most effective organizations of change in this country. To have all of these young people from every corner of our country excited about running for office to make a change in their community is simply one of the best and most hopeful things I see for a bright future for America. And I know wherever you go next, you will be putting in the same effort to truly make a difference for everyone. Thank you, thank you, and wishing the very best for you going forward.

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Definitely glad to hear that interest is big!

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Thanks for this very encouraging update and many thanks to Ross!

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