Thank you! I DO feel better this morning, having seen in your list of 37 "amazing new leaders" an under-40 man in the Nebraska State Legislature who is, thank God, against the death penalty!

I am an 85-yr-old Episcopal Monastic Sister who was born and raised in Nebraska during the '40s & '50s in a County Seat town surrounded by family farms. Everyone was friendly, kind, helpful; we had good schools with special music, art and physical education teachers in grade schools, and marching band, choral music, dramatic arts, as well as sports, in the 4-yr high school; we felt safe riding our bikes all over town, including "over the viaduct" to the swimming pool and the public park in the summers. We felt safe leaving those bikes in the yard overnight, leaving cars unlocked, leaving houses unlocked during the day. At 4-yrs-old, I was sometimes sent "downtown" alone to the grocery store to get a package of meat or a loaf of bread, as my Mom was pregnant with twins and, during those war years, we had no car. I walked the equivalent of 4 blocks to the store, past houses, our church, the YMCA, the one-square-block City Park, and other offices--with my little purse and my sense of responsibility!

My parents were Republicans, but I was raised to believe every human being--no matter what color, where they lived, or even what religion they were--was my brother or sister, because God made everything and everyone and was our Heavenly Father, and my own Dad demanded that none of his children would be a "snob"! My parents would be horrified by the MAGAs and by every aspect of Trump's "AGENDA"!

I am thankful for all the other 36 "amazing new leaders" you have identified in this "feel-good update"! During the late 1960s, I was a Precinct Committee-woman in Iowa--knocking on doors to make neighborhood surveys, and getting some of them slammed in my face! But I felt it was Good Work, Necessary Work--for our Democracy! I learned a lot about how our government WORKED! I'm so sadly aware that "That Was Then, and THIS IS NOW!" We need to pay attention and do what we can to counter the UnLawful, UnEthical, ImMoral, InHumane, UnCompassionate, Cruel, National Presidential Words and Actions!

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Not only did the Substack post make me feel good, but your post further cheered me up. I too remember a time when people found it normal to be decent with one another—or at least found it socially unacceptable not to at least act decently. I hope we get there again.

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Hi Amanda, thank you for sharing some good news. It has been a rough few weeks to say the least.

Out of curiosity, what percentage of people who your organizations trains/ supports that run for an office get elected? If they fail the first time, how many run again? Finally, what percentage get re-elected? Thank you.

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Appreciate the questions! Some answers:

1) Generally speaking: Our general election win rate has hovered around the 50-60% range; that's about where I want it! Any higher and it'd mean we weren't taking big enough swings. (We work with a lot of candidates in deep red areas or long-shot races.)

2) Of the folks we work with, about 60% tell us in debrief surveys they plan on running again one day. I don't have an exact # on who actually follows through but we do regularly endorse people who run again and they often win the second time around.

3) Not every incumbent applies for our endorsement again when they run for re-election -- ball's in their court to do so -- but last year, 93% of the incumbent alums we endorsed for re-election won!

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Amanda, thank you for the reply. Impressive results. As more of a numbers person, it helps me understand how successful this organization is and how important it is that Ds are starting to contest elections at every level.

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Very encouraging and very much needed news as we all gather ourselves for the Midterms and beyond.

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